Today I am reminded through morning devotions that God is my constant Companion, and although I go through seasons of change He remains constant in who He is. As life’s circumstances draw me closer to Him in fervent prayer and petition, with my eyes closed, the sun filtered in through the glass on my living room door this morning and rested gently upon my eyes. I felt my whole body warm to the presence of the Holy Spirit.
I am certain that the devil is wrestling with a friend, trying to distract him from a Calling that will glorify God in such a way that the dark prince is deceptive in preventing any such light from shining forth in this world. It is my prayer that God will provide the gift of discernment, peace in his heart, and a “gut check” as God speaks and moves on his behalf.
"What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” Romans 8:31 NLT
I trust that God is by my side through all things. All of life’s seasons, changes, heart issues, emotional struggles. Through the years I feel my intuition has been heightened, and I have learned to trust my gut. I find my gut knows truth, whereas my heart can be deceived. Does that make sense?
While in prayer I often have that “gut check”, but I find it comes more easily these days, and I believe it is because I converse and pray throughout my day, not only during devotions. I pray often for wisdom and discernment, and as I mature in faith I feel God provides this as I seek Him.
I remember one of our pastors giving a message one Sunday about the gut and soul connection…I do wish I could remember which Sunday that was to go back and listen to it again. But I did find a quote by Wayne Dwyer, and I believe it follows the take away from that message.
I also found a quote from Dr. Joyce Brothers, “"Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level." As mortals we only tap into a small portion of our brain, I believe it is 6% for the average person. Some people operate at higher frequencies, and tap into a high conscience. Dr. Caroline Dean writes in one of her books that that above 10% will be used when we are in heaven, communicating in the presence of God. So in reading this quote, it leads me to the conclusion that our hunches, our gut check, intuition…whatever you want to call it – is indeed the higher conscience of God speaking to us.
The big questions is, will we listen, or do we let the devil win and allow the fear he plants supercede and take away the greater glory God intended?
My prayer for all of you is that you have a gut check, that you are able to connect with God at such a level that you learn to Trust Him in All Things. As we enter in to Holy Week, we can be assured that even when we fail to listen to God, our ultimate victory is in Christ Jesus, and the devil can never win when we put our hope in the Cross.
Rita S.
PS. Here is the light coming in through the glass of my door - isn't it beautiful!? May God's Light fall on your eyelids as they are closed in prayer, and fill you with His warmth and love.