The Pari Vos nebulizer is on sale - found at this link.
An instructional handout is found in the Member Resources tab of our website. Hyperlinks, within the PDF that you can download, contain links to videos on Youtube by trained respiratory therapists on how to set it up, properly clean and use the nebulizer with correct breathing technique.
Items you will need for successful in home treatment:
- nebulizer linked above, or other jet style nebulizer (NOT portable)
- food grade 3% hydrogen peroxide (non food grade contains stabilizers, which are best to avoid)
- distilled water
- quality salt (not sodium chloride/table salt)
- 10 ml syringe or means to measure - this will make your life easier!
- Lugol's iodine (addition of) is recommended if one is very sick, but even without - nebulizer use as described in attached handout can help to clear out lungs of built up contaminants over the years. Users have reported improvement or even reversal of asthma, COPD, and more.
Links for your order to make shopping easy.
- Pari Vos Adult Nebulizer https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-pari-vios-lc-plus-adult-aerosol-delivery-system.html
- 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-essential-oxygen-3-percent-food-grade-hydrogen-peroxide.html
- 10 ML syringe to measure out your ratio of saline and peroxide https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-becton-dickinson-slip-tip-disposable-syringes.html
- Povidone iodine https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-medline-povidone-iodine-solutions.html
- Other iodines, such as Lugol's have been recommended by NDs as well
Saline solution is made with NOT table salt, but a quality mineral salt - such as Baja Gold or Redmond Real salt found at AzureStandard.com. If you have not shopped at Azure please enter in referral RitaShimniok1 at checkout.
Azure Standard has drop sites all over the U.S. We have enjoyed this service as a means to obtain organic pantry staples, grains, baking supplies and more without have to set foot in a big box store, thereby supporting a Christian family based business and small farmers.
As we head into winter and the news wants to instill fear in you - remember that fear reduces the effectiveness of your immune system and depletes essential minerals from your body. Minerals that are needed to remain healthy! So DO NOT FEAR - instead, prepare and rest assured you and your family has created an arsenal that will help your body heal as God designed it to do.
The Bible is clear about seeking knowledge. Over the past several years how many have we lost because of unpreparedness? Please do not be a victim of the next plandemic(s), and DO demand full disclosure before you put any mysterious solution in your arm. Keep holy your God-given DNA.
Hosea 4:6 “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”
Many blessings to you, and stay well!
Rita S.
(This information is provided as a courtesy of Purely Living Wellness and High Vibration Life Ministries PMA and is intended for educational purposes only.)