Today, to kick of the series titled, “Unsettling Questions” Blackhawk Church welcomed Dr. Praveen Sethupathy, a doctor of genetics, to talk about Science and Faith. I know so many who feel the two cannot be co-mingled, but most certainly they can!
As a bio-resonance technician I am constantly reminded of how intricately and wonderfully we are made (Psalm 139, v14). We simply cannot be made of “star stuff”. Everything about our human bodies – each organ, gland, system – is purposely put together like an intricate piece of machinery – which can heal itself should we treat our bodies with respect and provide it the proper fuel – as in God-food versus man-made food. But I digress…let’s look at a few notes I took on Sethupathy’s talk…
At the cellular level our bodies contain tens of trillions of micro-organisms. Much of these micro-organisms are working within our bodies to keep us well. I am sure you have heard of “good gut flora”…their job is to keep the “not so good gut flora” at bay so our immune system is not compromised. TENS OF TRILLIONS – in other words, Sethupathy puts it into this perspective, “Half of our cells are not human…shape, composition of our bodies…we humans are not defined by our cells.”
What about our Genome? *
According to Sethupathy 10% of our Genome are virus. Evidence of viral DNA has been shown to influence our humanity in the womb. (I am typing as fast as I can taking notes on my phone during the message, so I will be re-listening to this talk to ensure I have that correctly relayed the doctor’s thought process on genome.) If you visit blackhawkchurch.org you can scroll down on the home page to hear the messages given on-line. Be sure to look for the talk “Science & Faith” on Sept. 9, 2018.
Sethupathy states, “This should make us cautious to define humankind by genetics alone.”
In the book of Genesis humans are created from dust off the ground as are other animals.
So how are we different? What truly separates us is that only humans have been made in the image of God. We are made to channel His presence here on earth, Sethupathy remarks. I especially love that last sentence as I truly believe we are energetic beings made in the Image of God to act as a vessel…to pour out His love and light into the world, and to care for God’s creation.
By referring to ourselves as energetic beings, I am referring to the work of scientists who discovered and researched the human bio-field. As humans, our healthy bodies operate at a frequency of 62-68 hertz. **
All entities of creation and existence are assigned a specific frequency. When we are channeling our highest frequencies our bodies are healthy, joyful, we feel good! When we operate at a low frequency our bodies become ill (note of interest - advanced cancers operate at a very low frequency – often under 10 hertz); whereas beautiful, healing music – from the Psalm of David, as an example, operate at high frequencies such as 444, or 528 hertz +. JOY is a high-frequency emotion.
Sethupathy reflects on Psalm 104 - The purpose of God's created entities.
In verse 26 the Bible states the Leviathan was created to simply play. In reviewing all other verses, Sethpathy noted that there is a theme...
JOY and delight is woven throughout the Psalm. God makes things for pure enjoyment!
If we are made in the image of God, then I would like to propose that we are not only to be after God’s heart, but that we are indeed a God-heart. Our words, our actions, our thoughts…are a reflection of God in us. If God creates for joy – as I summarize my takeaway from the message on Science and Faith – then the heart of humankind is to experience JOY, reflecting God's character.
We are made to emulate the love and light of Christ in this world, so that upon our earthly death, those who have felt Christ’s presence through human-kind, will recognize the light and immense love of the Savior, who welcomes all into the ever-joyous life of living in eternity in God’s presence.
(For more on this last sentence please see below my book review on “Imagine Heaven –Near Death Experiences , God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You”.)
If you wish to learn more about how Science & Faith do indeed work together, teaming to unravel the mysteries of humankind, I encourage you to read a book recommended by Sethupathy, titled “The Language of God – A Scientist Provides Evidence for Belief” by Francis S. Collins; or the “Language of Science and Faith” offered by Intervaristy Press.
Choose JOY for this day. This does not mean that all in life is right and good...the Lord knows I have experience with many dark days. But despite my journey, which has lead me to widowhood in my mid-50s, I am choosing JOY in my life. Thankful for the lessons of the journey and the path before me as I follow Christ in order to be a light in this world.
In Love & Light,
Rita S.
** Harold Burr (Yale-1930), Beverly Rubik (1993, 1997, 2002b), Dr. Reinhold Voll
+ “The Sound of Healing” by Michael S. Tyrrell
Book References, ”Energy Medicine – Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy and Vitality” by Donna Eden and David Feinstein, PhD; “The Body Electric” by Dr. Robert O. Becker