Today, doctors thinking outside the box of the WHO and CDC are curing their patients. Many are threatened if they don’t keep quiet – afterall, it would seem that it is the bottom line of the almighty dollar that matters – not curing a disease and saving lives. Or are the ongoing, needless deaths a requirement to promote fear and a thirst for a quickly-pushed-through-without proper-testing vaccine? As a person who believes in the innate wisdom of the human body immune system, I've been questioning much from the start. So much of what I hae heard, such as the use of ventilators, or sending diagnosed COVID patients into nursing homes, makes no sense.
Several weeks ago I shared the breaking news of Dr. Richard Bartlett, a Dallas MD who has been using a lifesaving COVID breakthrough, on my
Facebook business page. It is the same protocol that Taiwan, Japan, Singapore and Iceland are also using. Per the article linked below, the breakthrough is an inexpensive generic drug used to help asthmatics for more than 20 years, but the US and most of the world’s governments are using the WHO’s blind acceptance of the failed China strategy.
Per the article in NewsBlaze, "The deaths in every state, and every country could almost stop overnight if health professionals changed course immediately. For some reason, the NIH and CDC want to act as slow as molasses, but a small number of doctors are already using Bartlett’s treatment with their patients and they are seeing immediate success."
Asthmatic drug Budesonide is used in a nebulizer (important that it is not used in an inhaler). Pre-school kids use this, 2 lb. premature babies use this Rx– it is an extremely safe drug. Early detection and getting on this treatment is imperative, vs. the common “take two Tylenol and tough it out at home”. An antibiotic is used in conjunction to ward off secondary infection. 100% of Dr. Bartlett’s patients are alive, and he has been using it since March, almost four months. Covid has over 300 documented mutations, according to Bartlett, which is why a vaccine makes no sense. The treatment he describes will work on any mutated form of Covid-19, which he explains in the video interview.
“One of Dr. Bartlett’s patients has 2 types of lymphoma and is on chemotherapy. After being in bed at home with a fever for 5 days, she called him and he started her on the treatment that night. By the morning, her fever broke. She recovered over the weekend and worked a full day on Monday, and has since had two negative COVID tests.
Another of his patients has a 50-year history of smoking, and had quadruple bypass surgery. Even with high blood pressure and thyroid disease, this patient also had a positive result.”
To read the complete article and also watch the original video that was aired, and shared by Purely Living Wellness, immediately please check out this link.
As a reminder - I am passionate about health and wellness research, providing education and passing along information so that my readers can do their own diligence and be their own best health advocate. I would rather know my options ahead of time rather than wait for a diagnosis of anything, and react in fear.
If Dr. Bartlett's protocol is something you wish to prepare for just in case, you can purchase a nebulizer without leaving your home, and supporting other than amazon by shopping in my online shop.com store. For adult use, you may prefer the unit with an adult mask.
My hope for you, once you have read the article, is that there is NO REASON TO FEAR!
Breathing freely, in love, peace and light,
Rita S.