Many are becoming educated and are avoiding products that contain these ingredients...so you have made the "safe" choice, right? Not necessarily. I have learned that the containers your so called SAFE products are marketed in could contain phthalates, and therefore leach the chemical into your product.
When choosing your products, dig deeper. Question the company to ensure the containers are phthalate free. There are safe plastics out there. PET (Polyethylene Terephthate) is one...I recently bought several 2.5 gallon long term storage drinking containers that are PET to fill with living water from a nearby spring source. Well, not so nearby, thus the reason to plan on bringing at minimum, 5 gallons home at a time. Companies may also use polyethylene combined with phthalates...which is why it is important to know and trust the company of whose products you choose to use. PET water containers are both BPA and phthalate free, but you may have to question the manufacturer of your skin care products.
I highly recommend you do your research when choosing products, or if you are too busy for all of that, contact me to learn more.
Be well, and phthalate free!
Rita S.