TRUE HEALTHCARE REFORM can only take place when we educate and take to heart the importance of TRUE FOOD. God food vs. Man Food. A berry, instead of a pill, for example. It is only with this conscience act of eating that we can avoid, diminish or even reverse issues such as Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and even cancer.
Misconceptions abound,,,for example, a person with a heard condition is likely told to avoid fat. FAT. There is no distinction as to what type of fat to avoid...so the patient assumes ALL FAT. Contrary, the heart needs GOOD FAT to function properly. Avoid the fats found in processed foods, salad dressings, Canola (sorry - it is NOT heart healthy), margerine (one of the most toxic "foods" on the planet!), etc. Instead, eat REAL BUTTER made from milk from grass fed cows, coconut oil - know for its heart healthy benefits, flaxseed oil (fresh - avoid anything that has been on the shelf long term or doesn't have a system to reduce air exposure - we use Barleans brand). If your body does not have an intolerance or sensitivity to dairy - a bit of cheese from grass fed cow or goat is fine in limited amounts.
Remember that dairy is an acidic food, so moderation is key. One wants to strive for the 80/20 rule to maintain disease preventing oxygen ratios to the cells. One's food choices should ideally be 80% plant based, and 20% animal based. To learn more about blood pH and its importance please visit my friends at Truth About Cancer and this very helpful article. We use pH test strips by Hydrion to monitor each member of our family. Our daughter is fascinated by the subject and is always asking questions about the pH of the foods we eat and what she sees other kids eat in their school lunch.
Your cells need to be firing at 100% and to do so they need the proper fuel.
May you feel great, look great and live great!
Rita S.