Although this is an excellent way to not only relax and increase your oxygen capacity, no matter where you are...well, not anywhere - (don't do this if you work in a salon, on a paint line, or anywhere the fumes are quite evidently toxic)... The northern woods is an ideal place to practice mindful breathing.
Recently I took a trip to the Michigan upper peninsula and northern Michigan - the air is SO very different. It smells clean. I visibly noted that the commercial airline traffic seems pretty much void in the skies of the U.P. Trees filter the air. It is clean, vital, and the air exudes life as I enjoyed deep breaths sitting along the Michigan lakeshore.
This past weekend I headed to northern Wisconsin to the chain of lakes found in the Menominee Indian Reservation. Again, clean fresh air. My daughter noticed it right away.
Fall is coming...be sure to get out in to the woods...and breathe!
In health,
Rita S.