I missed my daily devotional, Jesus Calling. For 11/4 it opens with “Walk peacefully with me through this day…” My head hurt too much to even consider laptop or social media. I missed an on-line zoom meeting. What peace! I had an update from my children on the election and prayed for peace and restored health to wash over me, and for peace, love and righteousness to be restored to our country. “When you don’t know what to do, wait while I open the way before you. Trust that I know what I am doing, and be ready to follow My lead. I will give strength to you, and I will bless you with Peace.”
I had several revelations while lying in bed. In my efforts to share my awoke-ness with others on Facebook a lot of “bad fruit” surfaced. Hate, darkness, evil…one woman who commented several times, by the third comment I had a vision of the demons coming out of her, like the scene in “Ghost”. That was a bit scary, and I immediately unfriended her.
I don’t get sick. I have been on such a high as of late for what God is doing in my life and amongst those I meet…I have felt like light beams were just shooting out of me, at times even giddy. I felt like no darkness could overcome my light…but I had too much faith in myself. Despite prayers for my usual protective God-bubble that one evil person did manage to break through. Sickness comes from bad energy –and I allowed too much of it to go unchecked on Sunday via the ever-growing darkness that is on Facebook.
Today I declare a cleansing of darkness from my space. There have been those who have exuded dark energy. I am not talking about differences of opinions. There are those who are fully able to express disagreements in kindness and love. I have always had a pretty good gift of discernment, and I am calling upon it to guide me in unfriending those who zap my good and bright light. They are takers, not givers. Each of us has the ability to choose. We make choices between right and wrong, good and evil, and whom we choose to hang out with. I am choosing light, and letting go of darkness. It may take me a few days, unless I can find that list I started on Sunday… I will release each with a prayer that God's love will overcome the the hate that has settled in their hearts.
Yes, hate is a strong word. I recognize it because years ago I harbored such a sentiment for a man who had wronged me as a child. All the letter writing and releasing it into flame did not dispel the darkness from my heart. a few years ago, perhaps 2012 or so, Pastor Chris Dolson, then senior pastor at Blackhawk, gave a talk on love, or maybe it was hate. Or both. He said that to live according to God's will we are to never hate a person, another human beeing. A mentor of mine, may she rest in peace, used to say, "Love the sinner, hate the sin." Sin is what separates us from God, and hate is indeed a sin. I've had my share of people I probably should "hate" for wrongs done to me. But I experience good energy when I pray for their souls to come to the light in repentence, so that they may dwell in the house of the Lord forever. When I do this, the light in my heart burns brighter and casts out the shadows that hide in the corners. The shadows of darkness that drain my energy and cause emotional distress.
I choose to hang-around Light-Workers and through this darkness period of covid several beautiful sisters and brothers of the Light have emerged, and I am blessed by their presence in my life. Today’s Jesus Calling devotional ends with, “People…pour their energy into trying to control situations. They feel happy when things are going well or sad and frustrated when things don’t turn out as they hoped. They rarely question this correlation between their circumstances and feelings. Yet it IS possible to be content in any and every situation. Put more energy into trusting Me and enjoying My presence. I am with you and will watch over you…I will meet your needs according to My glorious riches. Nothing in all creation will separate you from My Love.” Romans 8:38-39
Satan tries to separate us from God. The prince of darkness is alive and well in our land, and his demons are at work all around us. Physically active, verbally abusive…beware. If you walk in the Light ask the one true God, the Creator of All, who loves all…to be your guiding light as you go about your day and decide whom you will allow in to your space. Protect it with the armor of God.
Is your energy being zapped by the dark energy of others? You have the right to protect your own space.
May your heart be filled with peace and love,
Rita S.