There is reason to use caution in a doctor recommended product. The post did not state whether the doctor is a MD or an ND, so let's go with the more popular trend. A progesterone cream recommended by an MD could likely contain progestin, a synthetic form of progesterone which can be patented and profited from, whereas natural progesterone cream cannot be patented. As well, many prescription creams have fillers and ingredients that counter the end goal of balancing out hormones.
Even though a person with fibroids may already be eating clean, there is more than food choices that contribute to this condition - such as endocrine disrupting chemicals in hygiene and make up, house cleaners, scented candles and so much more. People often forget that we have more than a mouth to absorb nasty stuff.
Continuing on...estrogen (specifically E2 - estradiol) promotes excess cell growth. Anytime we have excess cell growth, whether internal, or exhibiting externally in the form of skin tags - it is an indication of a hormonal imbalance. Environmental hormone disruptors that mimic estrogen in the body (xenoestrogens) take up a progesterone receptor, thus preventing the progesterone produced by the body to counter balance the E2.
STRESS, is a major disruptor of progesterone stores in the body because it converts to cortisol when a person undergoes stress A healthy, pre-menopausal female body produces 30-45 mg of progesterone per day. How much is being converted into other hormones down the chain to address immediate needs? A n umber of factors come into play in reducing the amount of the only hormone, progesterone, that can physically cancel out E2 in the body.
Catherine P. Rollins, a leader and pioneer at the forefront of educating women on the benefits of bio-identcal progesterone, writes in her guidebook on progesterone use that not less than 40 milligrams a day of 4% bio-identical progesterone cream can reduce fibroid tissue in the uterus (page 157). However, many women require a higher dose of 40-60 mgs. per day to effectively shrink fibroids. Patience is also required as Rollins states that it can take 7 months of using a high dose of bio-identical progesterone cream. She also states the jury is still out, as it does not work for all women, and recommends a saliva assay test be taken to assess one's hormonal levels prior to using Hormone Replacement Therapy.
For those who utitilze bio-resonance scanning, you could ask your practitioner to specifically scan your body for bio-identical progesterone cream to determine if it would address the root cause of your fibroid issue, based on your personal algorithms. If you are not working with a bio-resonance practitioner, but would like to know more about your personal hormonal imbalances, please contact me and we can discuss how a simple mailing of DNA to Purely Living Wellness, such as hair and/or saliva, can be utilized to determine steps towards balance.
Men are also affected by hormonal imbalances, and especially the E2 hormone discussed in this article. In his book, "The Miracle of Bio-Identical Hormones", Dr. Michael Platt states that all men over age 50 would benefit from just a little bit of progesterone cream daily to counter out the E2, which reduces testosterone levels in the body.
If you would like to learn more about choosing an effective and safe bio-identical progesterone cream please review my article found on this website. If you would like further assistance in locating a cream please contact me. I have found a brand of bio-identical cream that works for my clients at a dose of 20 mg. per dose. I also know of a resource for a higher dose cream for those with a greater imbalances.
May you find balance in all things and be well!
Rita Shimniok, Purely Living Wellness, LLC