I've been pondering this...the Qest4 company logo has switched to using the word bio-energetic, so I am following suit. There is a scientific reason for the word resonance (having to do with frequencies), but almost everyone can understand energy and it is well recognized that human bodies are comprised of energetic systems.
I have been working on rebranding and creating a design that will hopefully give some sense of what it is that my services offer. I believe wholeheartedly that God has created us as wonderful and intricate-beings. We are designed to heal from within given the right fuel - but toxins prohibit the body from reaching homeostasis.
It is easy to relate to physical/environmental toxins, but toxins also come in the form of emotional and spiritual imbalances. Using a combination of bio-feedback, thermal scanning and frequency, the Qest4 system takes into account the resonance, or dis-resonance, of all energetic signatures and frequencies, identifying imbalances within the body. The system then generates an imprint of frequencies/signatures to help the body rebalance, as it is innately designed to do.
So my question for all of you...What do you think? Does new look pique your interest? Does it convey energy, our wondrous Maker, and my desire to partner WITH YOU to help restore balance to your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being? I hope it does, and you will explore further the benefits of bio-energy testing.
In love, pure and light,
Rita S.