We Can Help Your Pets Feel Better - Liver Healthier Lives!
More than 70% of animals suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work and/or other pathological diagnostics, yet the animal still experiences a myriad of symptoms. Interested in helping your pet beyond the mystery? We make bio-energetics affordable for your companions.
A Simple Explanation All beings, including pets, are energetic in nature. The amount of current that passes through the cellular structure of an organ or gland, or body system, reveals the functional status of the tissues. A Qest4 functional assessment, based on the defined parameters of health, can detect deviations of energetic and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be detected early with a highly advanced system such as the Qest4 – even in the pre-clinical phase before symptoms manifest outwardly. Ideally, it makes sense to assess an animal using functional evaluation methods such as bio-energetics, and follow through with the system’s prescribed treatment protocols. In doing so, preventing pre-clinical disorders and symptomology can be realized, or potentially reversing morphological and pathological deterioration. How Does Bio-Energetics Work for Your Pets? Purely Living Wellness can provide remote testing for your pet – dogs, cats, horses, and yes, even cows. Suffice to say that we have even scanned our own tortoise! One’s energy is always connected to its essence through the quantum field. Although it was certainly difficult, at first, to conceive the idea that “energy follows intent” – we offer a testimony by a client who describes how her cat Star, responded miles away to the scan we were providing on the sickly feline, during the emergency scan. Although not diagnostic, functional medicine is intended to bridge the gap between diagnostics and therapy. Backed by over 40 years of research, this technology continues to provide life-changing results. Once the Qest4 system as identified the energetic imbalance, it will then pre-screen potential energetic frequencies and signatures to balance the disturbance. While the system is doing this, your pet or animal will be feeling the effects of the scan from their residence. It is not unusual for an animal that has been lethargic to exhibit increased energy. View testimonies from our clients. |
Remote Testing Using DNA
Using DNA, which can be pet hair from their brush, whiskers that have been shed, saliva swabbed from inside the cheek, or tips from their nails – secured in a small zipped baggie and labeled with the pet’s name is mailed. A small photograph of your pet with its name, and date of birth or a guesstimate of its DOB is also helpful – we used a photo to scan our pet tortoise instead of DNA. We can easily keep photos on file should your pet require a future emergency scan. We ask that an intake of health and lifestyle history of your pet be provided, as well as information on the food they are being fed, including the country of manufacture. As with our human clients, a completely individualized imprint is made of rebalancing signatures or frequencies for your pet. We offer several options – we can imprint into a piece of clear crystal quartz which can be a) placed in their water dish, or b) placed in a water bottle or pitcher from which their water dish is refilled. Another option, which works great for especially cuddy pets, is to imprint into drops, which the owner then applies to their fingers and massages into the inner tips of the pet’s ears or rubs on their paws. For large animals securing imprinted quartz to a halter has worked, or again, water that has had the frequencies/signatures distributed through a holding vessel, can be added to their water trough or watering bucket daily. Please note that horses can be especially sensitive to rebalancing frequencies, and the imprinted quartz may need to be tied on for a period of time in the morning and a period of time in the afternoon. Post-testing A summary of imbalances will be provided, and the individualized imprint is mailed to the owner of the animal. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure the animal receives its individualized imprint, either topically or via it’s daily water intake. Very sick animals who are not eating or drinking will require topical application. Additional remedies may be required in addition to the imprint, as well as follow up therapies, such as acupuncture or chiropractic care for pets, or even an animal communicator may be recommended,. We do not carry pet remedies, but we may be able to assist you in locating a product. We also work with a clinic that does offer pet specific supplements. Many veterinary and holistic products are pre-programmed into the Qest system and your pets will be screened for these items. |