Prayers and Decrees
Members are asking for prayers and decrees, especially when it comes to spiritual warfare. As time allows, this page will be added to.
Bedtime Prayer
In the name of Jesus Christ I command all evil spirits to leave me now. Yeshua clear my home and my property of all dark energies and legions. Surround this place with Your angel armies for protection. Let the Holy Spirit dwell within me and give me peace. Let the Holy Spirit be like a burning light from within that destroys all darkness and evil through this night. In Jesus name I claim protection even in the dream realm. Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ I command all evil spirits to leave me now. Yeshua clear my home and my property of all dark energies and legions. Surround this place with Your angel armies for protection. Let the Holy Spirit dwell within me and give me peace. Let the Holy Spirit be like a burning light from within that destroys all darkness and evil through this night. In Jesus name I claim protection even in the dream realm. Amen.
Anointing Prayer over People
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I mark _________ as a child of God. Let this holy anointing oil mark her/him for healing and protection in the name of Jesus Christ. I command in the name of Jesus Christ that all claims that any evil spirit has be broken and forbidden - whether that be from blood sacrifice, dedication of any kind, witchcraft, generational sin or curses of any kind. All claims of any spirits of darkness and evil are broken from this time forward. They have no legal right to ____________ any more. Let the presence of God glow like a powerful light and burn away the claims and cords of darkness upon this body, spirit and soul. Seal her/him in the blood of Christ, and let the peace of Christ dwell within. Amen
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I mark _________ as a child of God. Let this holy anointing oil mark her/him for healing and protection in the name of Jesus Christ. I command in the name of Jesus Christ that all claims that any evil spirit has be broken and forbidden - whether that be from blood sacrifice, dedication of any kind, witchcraft, generational sin or curses of any kind. All claims of any spirits of darkness and evil are broken from this time forward. They have no legal right to ____________ any more. Let the presence of God glow like a powerful light and burn away the claims and cords of darkness upon this body, spirit and soul. Seal her/him in the blood of Christ, and let the peace of Christ dwell within. Amen
Decree Over the United States & Our Homes
Through the power of Jesus Christ we decree that the kingdom of God is coming to America and nations of the earth and that the plans and schemes of hell will not prevail against it. We decree that the kingdom of God is coming to our homes, our families, our possessions, our lives, our ministries, and our bodies. We claim the victory that is in Christ over all of Satan's works and we declare that all dark angels and workers of Satan, all witchcraft, 33 degree masonry, and all who would harm God's children be bound and cast into the pit or the fire. In the name of Jesus we break all curses and hexes placed upon the people of this home and fill all spaces with God's Holy Light and Presence. Amen. |
Feel free to download and share the decree over our nation and our homes with others. The more Believers speaking these words out loud, the higher the frequency of this dimension in which we live...let's make Satan quake!