Functional Medicine Utilizing Bio-Energetic (or Resonance) Signature Scanning
Harness the power of energy rebalancing to take your health to a whole new level!
The following information is provided by Natural Solutions Holistic Clinic in Georgia, where Shimniok, of Purely Living Wellness received training and certification. It provides an excellent overview of what clients to Purely Living Wellness may experience.
More than 70 percent of patients in any general practice suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological diagnostics, yet the patient still experiences a myriad of symptoms. Functional medicine helps detect and identify these energetic and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be detected early— even from the very beginning of a pred-clinical phase (when you display symptoms, but nobody can identify their cause). Disease does not begin with pathology but with a pre-clinical phase. Functional disturbances occur when a living organism can no longer compensate adequately for changes in the environment. Environmental changes include both internal conditions of the body and external circumstances. Ideally, it would make good sense to assess a patient using functional evaluation methods and treatment protocols. These methods have shown effective in not only helping to identify and correct pre-clinical disorders and symptomology~ but also in reducing or even reversing morphological and pathological deterioration. Bio-Signature energy testing is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and therapeutic gaps. Backed by over nearly 50 years of research, this technology clearly continues to deliver results. Economically, considerable time and substantial amounts of money could be saved simply by taking advantage of the benefits of this powerful technology in the emerging field of functional medicine. “This allows us to monitor how you respond to a remedy before it is given.”
—Reinhold Voll, M.D., M.Sc. |
So, what happens when you have energy testing administered?
A microamp current that is sent through the body’s meridian pathways is captured through data access points on the hands. (The meridians, or energetic pathways, create a network through which we can assess the functional status of your body. The existence of these data access points and energetic pathways have been validated using radioactive isotope imaging.) The amount of current that passes through the cellular structure of the organ, gland, or system reveals the functional status of the tissues. Because the assessment is based on defined parameters of health, any deviation from this standard can be readily detected. This allows us to see a true picture of how your body is actually functioning. Once we have identified the problem areas in the body, we pre-screen potential therapeutic options. We send representative electromagnetic signatures of remedies to the body and measure its response... During remote testing the individual is not present, DNA is placed on the testplate instead, and electrodes are activated. People who are sensitive to energy treatments must let us know, as testing can cause one to become fatigued. If this is your case, we will want to provide your remote scan while you are preferably at home, definitely not driving, so that you can rest immediately afterward. Nationally and internationally, patients have reported over 80 percent satisfaction with the results of Functional Medicine provided by practitioners. On average, three to twelve visits are needed to fully restore optimum health. After each visit, you should notice positive changes in your health and an overall reduction of your symptoms. Those with more deeply rooted issues may require more time to achieve desired wellness goals. Infants often respond much more quickly than adults, who have had years of factors contributing to imbalances. Of course client compliance is key for the benefits to be recognized. This will be discussed to determine if our services will be of benefit to you. Many find they feel much better and use bio-energy balancing as a preventative measure in their "wellness care" and opt in for monthly scans. For DNA remote testing click here for instructions. |
At Purely Living we utilize a three scan protocol that provides the client with the information and tools they need to start improving their health. At times the Qest4 will instruct the practitioner to perform additinal scans, or a client's history may warrant an additional scan at the client's request. Additional testing is available to provide even more information on imbalances in the body. Please visit the pages on this site that guide you to all the benefits and customization available.