Diets - Which is Right For You?
This may be a shocker - but maybe no diet is right for you. Maybe, in order for this thing called "diet" to work, it needs to be thought of as a lifestyle instead. Changes you can make to your current daily lifestyle - that can be done without a huge amount of stress being added to your already full plate. We can discuss this with you and see if lifestyle coaching is something you would benefit from.
Diets - there are so many. One thing we have learned from experience - when one is diagnosed with late stage cancer there is really no time to ponder which diet is best. Rita Shimniok has programmed many popular diets, including those recommended for cancer, into the Qest4 system - Gerson's Budwig protocol with quark, anti-inflammatory diet, the candida diet, and so on.
Shimniok has written articles of opinion on various diets - granted - some of these articles were written years ago so we always ask for grace and realize that diets themselves may have evolved over the years since the article was written.
By the way - all of the recipes found on this website are based on the anti-inflammatory diet - eliminating gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, and for the most part sugar - are low glycemic except for the gluten free holiday sugar cookies. We hope these recipes are helpful as you journey to improved health!
Diets - there are so many. One thing we have learned from experience - when one is diagnosed with late stage cancer there is really no time to ponder which diet is best. Rita Shimniok has programmed many popular diets, including those recommended for cancer, into the Qest4 system - Gerson's Budwig protocol with quark, anti-inflammatory diet, the candida diet, and so on.
Shimniok has written articles of opinion on various diets - granted - some of these articles were written years ago so we always ask for grace and realize that diets themselves may have evolved over the years since the article was written.
By the way - all of the recipes found on this website are based on the anti-inflammatory diet - eliminating gluten, dairy, soy, alcohol, and for the most part sugar - are low glycemic except for the gluten free holiday sugar cookies. We hope these recipes are helpful as you journey to improved health!