Free Treatment for Cancer & Disease
![]() I want to share a therapy with all of you that is FREE, but we are what we are...most turn their noses up at this FREE treatment. I share this because it is free...and there are many in this world financially burdened, and have no resources for either traditional or alternative care. I feel it is my duty to share...knowledge is power. Do what you wish with this information - and yes, you will likely turn up your nose at this protocol. There is a Facebook private page where people discuss this therapy, and good results are being reported.
I learned about this from Mike Witort, a lifestyle coach ( out of the Chicago, Illinois area that works with people who have chronic disease, including cancer patients and those afflicted with auto immune disease. Many of us are aware that oxygen deprivation in the cells is the root promoter of cancer, right? This is why those who have studied diets that help the body heal focus on alkaline eating. I teach my clients how to increase the pH level of their body in order to promote oxygen in the cells. Many leading holistic clinics are incorporating this therapy, such as renowned Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski's in Texas. This therapy is used in nearly every country in the world, except the U.S., teaches this to their people … it is a part of their culture...the therapy is URINE THERAPY. How many of you just turned up your nose? My intention of sharing this information with you is to help you "get over yourself". If your life depends on increasing oxygen in your you think you could plug your nose and drink a diluted free form of oxygen? Struggling with your weight loss and hitting a wall no matter how much you diet and exercise? Mike Witort says urine therapy will trim a person up quickly. Urine is free. It provides a supply of the antigens to help your body fight what ails you. It is nature's ozone – and again, it is free. I considered spending $20k on an ST8 ozone machine, and there are other oxygen therapy equipment devices out there that you can spend good money on. Mike Witort discovered, when travellng abroad, that healthy cultures are drinking their own urine. My husband, while in the latter weeks of his life, when we first learned of Doc Mike and began working with him, decided free is good. Incorporating a few drops of urine into the protocols that included pineapple smoothies, helped to turn things around. |
My husband was feeling much better (his cancer had metastasized throughout his body, and he as well had sciatica and other issues compromising the immune system). In the last 4 weeks of his life, before his lungs collapsed from narcotic prescription painkillers – his lab tests had impressive turn around in regards to cancer. He experienced a huge drop in the PSA (400 points), and had an increase in the hemoglobin count, to take it past the transfusion threshold – the nutrition protocols that Witort had us implementing were indeed providing visible improvement.
There are tricks to this needs only to drink a few drops several times a day. You can use tart cherry juice or other strong flavored healthy drinks, such as fresh vegetable juice, to mask it. It can be added it to the “not very good tasting” pine needle tea (nature's cure for prostate cancer), or add it to smoothies. To help wrap your mind around this, because I know you are likely struggling mentally with the idea of drinking urine, I found this link for you so you can learn more about Urine Therapy, yourself. It is important, if receiving chemo, not to drink chemo urine - which is addressed in the linked article. Worried about urine containing medications and toxins? Witort states that that misinformation is trumped up by the Rockefellers. Urine is sterile and produces antigens. - and if medications are present in the urine - the benefit is developing anti bodies to the medications. I have heard nurses attest tothis. Per Witort, the therapy allows a person to detox off medications without the typical withdrawal symptoms. As I teach in my educational talks on nutrition and other inflammatory promoters, cancer and disease develops when a cell is deprived of oxygen. A healthy cell will contain 60% oxygen, according to microbiologist Walter Last in his book, "Overcoming Cancer". Oxygen is your detoxifier, it builds the immune system, kills off disease. If you use Facebook I encourage you to check out the private forum: Healing waters (Urine Therapy). Once you are accepted into the group you will hear first hand testimonies, and as well there are files with information, including a recipe for the Universal Solution, and urine therapy e-book to download for free. Dr. Mark Sircus' video below is a MUST SEE on Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy. Rainmaking productions provides an excellent interview with a man whom I have followed extensively since my husband's diagnosis of late stage cancer. I encourage you to listen all the way to the end, where Obama Care is discussed. |
Published 7-14-15 by Purely Living Wellness. All rights reserved. Information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat any disease, or promote practices described.