Turmeric Eggnog
Originally this recipe was found in a cancer forum I visit, and don't know who to give the original credit to. It has been tweaked a bit to make it elimination diet friendly. There are so many health benefits - we hope you give it a try!
1 cup of coconut or almond milk (simmer on low heat)
1 tsp turmeric (or curcumin capsules - opened and contents emptied)
1 tsp ginger
1/8 tsp fine ground black pepper
dash of nutmeg
dash or cinnamon
1 tsp. organic cold pressed coconut oil (if desired - to add froth, creaminess, bio-availability of the curcumin)
Stir until dissolved. Pour into mug with 1 Tsp honey and stir.
This is a great anti-cancer drink. Will also help prevent colds and Alzheimer's .
Always ensure your alternative milks do not contain carrageenan - which is highly inflammatory even in small amounts.
1 cup of coconut or almond milk (simmer on low heat)
1 tsp turmeric (or curcumin capsules - opened and contents emptied)
1 tsp ginger
1/8 tsp fine ground black pepper
dash of nutmeg
dash or cinnamon
1 tsp. organic cold pressed coconut oil (if desired - to add froth, creaminess, bio-availability of the curcumin)
Stir until dissolved. Pour into mug with 1 Tsp honey and stir.
This is a great anti-cancer drink. Will also help prevent colds and Alzheimer's .
Always ensure your alternative milks do not contain carrageenan - which is highly inflammatory even in small amounts.