Why Do We Get Cancer?
Let's not blame the genes. Although genetics plays a role in perhaps 3% of all cancers, DNA does not make you who you are. DNA changes every day ...depending on what you put in your body.
OXYGEN is LIFE. Alkaline foods promote oxygen in the cells.
Nobel prize winner, Dr.Otto Warburg, in the 1800s, determined that cells take on cancer properties when the cell is deprived of oxygen. 60% oxygen is needed to maintain healthy cells. His research is noted by many in the holistic field of cancer treatments. But then to pose the question, WHY is the body deprived of oxygen? Warburg states it is a root cause, but could it go deeper...
No doubt you have to fuel the body with oxygen to maintain healthy oxygen levels. But what is the root cause of the root cause?
2024 - update: the 2nd half of Warburg's research was to determine the importance of the copper carrying protein - ceruloplasmin. Oxygen cannot get into the cells without copper to "push" it through the cell wall.
Is Cancer From Fungus?
Dr. Hulda Clark is renowned for her research in the connection between cancer and fungus, just as Warburg is regarding oxygen. Clark determined that the presence of parasites promote fungus in the body. Candida is especially high in those with parasite activity, including Lyme's, which is often undetected by conventional blood tests. Why is that? re: missed Lyme's. Apparently the Lyme's parasite is active during full moon cycles...if you are getting tested for Lyme's at least shoot for the full moon for a blood draw. Lyme's often goes dormant, and therefore it is missed.
At any rate, if you have been diagnosed with cancer a parasite cleanse is the only way to get a handle on what the little buggers are doing inside your body. I know of several...contact me.
Detox the Liver!
Coffee Enemas - just do it! Every alternative includes coffee enemas as a part of their protocol.
Watch this video for instructions on how to. There are other liver detoxifiers as well - I am a fan of the Arbonne 7 Day Body Cleanse, however, if you are diagnosed you will want to incorporate coffee enemas daily if possible.
Nutrition Matters!
Recently I met a woman who is ten years out from her last breast cancer treatment. She has had conventional treatment twice, has been in remission twice. Now, the cancer is back and no longer localized...i.e. metastasized. I asked if she had seen a nutritionist while in treatment, and if she had been told that sugars fuel cancer, breads, pastas, white rice - and of course all bakery, fuel cancer. I received the expected answer, "No". I asked if the oncologist had informed her that the treatments did not get the stem cells, and she would have to make major lifestyle changes in order to stay in remission. The answer I heard back, "No." In my mind, this is unethical. Whether your treatment is conventional or alternative, once in remission, one cannot go back to eating foods that fuel cancer, already present in stem cells.
I have studied and have been passionate about the anti-cancer diet for five years and provided education to whomever would bend an ear with an interest in improving wellness. I began my own wellness journey with an anti-inflammatory lifestyle change...and since cancer is actually inflammation in the body, what I chose to do in changing my food choices happens to also be pretty effective as an anti-cancer diet. I would be happy to share with you what I have learned. Contact me to schedule a free consult today. No, I do not have nutritionist letters behind my name. I am not prescribing, diagnosing, or treating...but would love share how I regained my own health so that you may be empowered to take charge of your own health.
"We have to take control over that which we have control over, which is the quality and amount of food we put into our mouths." – quote by an expert in the Truth About Cancer summit 2015
OXYGEN is LIFE. Alkaline foods promote oxygen in the cells.
Nobel prize winner, Dr.Otto Warburg, in the 1800s, determined that cells take on cancer properties when the cell is deprived of oxygen. 60% oxygen is needed to maintain healthy cells. His research is noted by many in the holistic field of cancer treatments. But then to pose the question, WHY is the body deprived of oxygen? Warburg states it is a root cause, but could it go deeper...
No doubt you have to fuel the body with oxygen to maintain healthy oxygen levels. But what is the root cause of the root cause?
2024 - update: the 2nd half of Warburg's research was to determine the importance of the copper carrying protein - ceruloplasmin. Oxygen cannot get into the cells without copper to "push" it through the cell wall.
Is Cancer From Fungus?
Dr. Hulda Clark is renowned for her research in the connection between cancer and fungus, just as Warburg is regarding oxygen. Clark determined that the presence of parasites promote fungus in the body. Candida is especially high in those with parasite activity, including Lyme's, which is often undetected by conventional blood tests. Why is that? re: missed Lyme's. Apparently the Lyme's parasite is active during full moon cycles...if you are getting tested for Lyme's at least shoot for the full moon for a blood draw. Lyme's often goes dormant, and therefore it is missed.
At any rate, if you have been diagnosed with cancer a parasite cleanse is the only way to get a handle on what the little buggers are doing inside your body. I know of several...contact me.
Detox the Liver!
Coffee Enemas - just do it! Every alternative includes coffee enemas as a part of their protocol.
Watch this video for instructions on how to. There are other liver detoxifiers as well - I am a fan of the Arbonne 7 Day Body Cleanse, however, if you are diagnosed you will want to incorporate coffee enemas daily if possible.
Nutrition Matters!
Recently I met a woman who is ten years out from her last breast cancer treatment. She has had conventional treatment twice, has been in remission twice. Now, the cancer is back and no longer localized...i.e. metastasized. I asked if she had seen a nutritionist while in treatment, and if she had been told that sugars fuel cancer, breads, pastas, white rice - and of course all bakery, fuel cancer. I received the expected answer, "No". I asked if the oncologist had informed her that the treatments did not get the stem cells, and she would have to make major lifestyle changes in order to stay in remission. The answer I heard back, "No." In my mind, this is unethical. Whether your treatment is conventional or alternative, once in remission, one cannot go back to eating foods that fuel cancer, already present in stem cells.
I have studied and have been passionate about the anti-cancer diet for five years and provided education to whomever would bend an ear with an interest in improving wellness. I began my own wellness journey with an anti-inflammatory lifestyle change...and since cancer is actually inflammation in the body, what I chose to do in changing my food choices happens to also be pretty effective as an anti-cancer diet. I would be happy to share with you what I have learned. Contact me to schedule a free consult today. No, I do not have nutritionist letters behind my name. I am not prescribing, diagnosing, or treating...but would love share how I regained my own health so that you may be empowered to take charge of your own health.
"We have to take control over that which we have control over, which is the quality and amount of food we put into our mouths." – quote by an expert in the Truth About Cancer summit 2015