COVID-19 Prevent & Overcome
In addition to the CDC guidelines, after much research and collaboration with fellow bio-energetics practitioners studying the data and articles being released, these suggestions (provided for educational purposes only) can be helpful in addressing the concerns of the COVID-19 virus.
It’s important to realize the real culprit here isn't necessarily the corona virus. The true culprit is the condition many people in this country are in. According to research, "even healthy people typically carry low levels of harmful bacteria in and on their bodies. But when a person is healthy, these pathogens don’t cause disease; they simply coexist in an abundance of beneficial microbes. Healthy people can share their bodies with more than 10,000 species of microbes." This event is a wake-up call for many …a realization that they need to be more proactive in their health management.
If your immune system is compromised you are more vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the CDC. Work from home if possible. In this situation though, the cause is the vulnerability more so than the virus. The virus can just take advantage of you. Don't let that happen whether it's corona, flu, bacteria, etc.. Change your habits and be proactive and please stop falling for the fear and paranoia being broadcasted as it will affect your health. Sadly, we seem to focus and obsess way more on disease than health. Purely Living Wellness provides bio-resonance scans that help one become proactive, recognize what is causing imbalance to the immune system and direct one in changes they should consider to restore balance to the body. We also carry a number of tinctures and extracts to promote natural health. Most of all, have faith in your body and thank it for being healthy every day!
Inspired during meditation and thought, Purely Living Wellness has created an energetic rebalancing formula appropriately called, Overcome. It harnesses the power of frequencies to counter today’s concerns, including scriptural references for overcoming fear, anxiety and panic during these times.
What about the Frontline docs? Well, I can personally vouch that I know people who overcame this virus pretty quickly using the HCQ with zinc protocol described by the line up of seven in white coats a few months back. The trouble is, CDC ordered it pulled from all OTC shelves and even if your doctor does prescribe it - he/she will receive a phone call from the pharmacist. Have your doctor stand firm and protect your privacy rights. Update 12-2020 - The Frontline doctors, as I understand have created their own website and are doing tele-consults. They can get HCQ into your hands - which Dr. Simone Gold recommends having on hand before you need it.
Personally, I will treat myself, should I ever contract this nasty form of corona virus, with my own arsenal already on and and most of which is mentioned in this article. That said, I am beyond confident in my immune system and will not live my life in fear of a bug that has a reported rate of fatality that is .001 more deadly than previous influenza seasons.
Originally Published March 19, 2020, edited March 25, 20202. Rita Shimniok, Purely Living Wellness LLC. All rights reserved. May be redistributed with permission.; 608-669-7603; Information on COVID-19 is changing daily as more is being learned. This article is provided for educational purposes only.
Purely Living Wellness/Rita Shimniok make no claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Please see your trusted physician for medical concerns.
It’s important to realize the real culprit here isn't necessarily the corona virus. The true culprit is the condition many people in this country are in. According to research, "even healthy people typically carry low levels of harmful bacteria in and on their bodies. But when a person is healthy, these pathogens don’t cause disease; they simply coexist in an abundance of beneficial microbes. Healthy people can share their bodies with more than 10,000 species of microbes." This event is a wake-up call for many …a realization that they need to be more proactive in their health management.
- Diet is NUMBER ONE! Eat foods that add oxygen to the body since Sars-CoV-2 depletes oxygen, which is why those with preexisting respiratory issues are at greatest risk. Foods containing oxygen are COLORFUL foods – consume the rainbow of food, fresh produce, washed; or frozen if necessary. Organic whenever possible.
- Meats and grains containing antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides (remember the animals are what they eat, as are we) are forcing the body to focus on eliminating these chemicals from your body vs. focusing on real-threat viruses. We need to boost the immune system so the body can handle all that is being thrown at it, so if you make better choices your body does not have to work as hard on your behalf to maintain homeostasis, or balance.
- Supplements - updated list as of 4/8/21 per Dr. Lee Merritt.
- 5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 - up to 10,000 ius, which is what Merritt takes.
- Merritt does not mention taking K2, but until I learn otherwise it is a given for D absorption
- 55% of people who died from Covid are Vitamin D deficient
- Vitamin C - Merritt recommends taking 4-5 grams divided throughout the day to avoid diarrhea
- Quercetin - anti-inflammatory
- Zinc
- Selenium - Merritt describes it as birth control for viruses
- L-lysine (inexpensive - Dominican Republic health system had staff use to protect from Covid-19)
- N-acetyl cysteine - FDA is trying to shut availability down - so Merritt states you know it is effective.
- N-acetyl cysteine is most commonly used by mouth for cough and other lung conditions
- N-acetyl cysteine is most commonly used by mouth for cough and other lung conditions
- 5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 - up to 10,000 ius, which is what Merritt takes.
- (Supplement information below, in the early 2020 posting, will be updated as I have time - meanwhile take note of Merritt's recommenations)
- Learn how to make home-cooked meals – and use plenty of vegetables. Get creative – look up recipes on-line. Learn to cook together as a family in love –this increases the vibration of the food you are making. Give thanks for the food prior to eating – prayer also raises the frequencies/vibration of your food. Give gratitude for its role in healing your body prior to eating your meal.
- Sleep is critical. I personally know of people who eat extremely healthy, but they work long hours and don’t get enough sleep. Our body has two primary functions – digestion and healing. It is programmed to heal while we sleep – so lack of sleep cuts back on the time your body uses to heal itself. Avoid eating 4 hrs. before bed.
- Gut Health – it is now well known that immune health and the gut are directly related. Don’t reduce your stomach acid with OTC aids. Stomach acid is what helps the body digest food. If you have issues with burping and acid reflux, the culprit is most likely a food group – such as dairy or gluten. Utilize pro/prebiotics and digestive enzymes, preferably taken on an empty stomach before you start your day or before meals. Digestive bitters, even a radish or two, before a meal is helpful. Prebiotics, inulin in particular, are reported to be especially beneficial with the COVID-19 virus. Inulin is found in onion, garlic, artichoke and chicory root.
- It is reported that Vitamin C, D3 (always taken with K2) are important and work together for prevention of COVID-19. One does not want to take an excess amount of Vitamin D3 or Vitamin A with Covid-19. Especially for those indoors, a minimum of 5000IUs of D3 with K2 is what I recommend. One packet of Emergen-C at 1000 mg is not enough for most adults. Personally, I aim for 4000 mg per day, according to my own bio-resonance scan recommendation. I obtain Vitamin C through dark, leafy greens and colorful foods, and supplementation. In particular I add a super greens whole food powder to my smoothies or my AB fizz energy drink during the winter when fresh greens are not growing in my garden. Buffered Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C is a favorite and more gentle on the stomach, is affordable, and has good bio-availability. The Nutribiotic brand contains 1220 mg of Vit. C in a ¼ teaspoon dose.
- Dr. Engian Mao, Chief of Emergency Medical Department at Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai China reports using Vitamin C IV therapy to treat COVID-19 patients. The ratio cited in a press release from the hospital is:
- 50-100 mg / kg of body weight for a non-symptomatic person
- 200 mg /kg of bodyweight if severely ill
- Note that an IV is obviously much more readily absorbed by the body. Use a high quality Vitamin C supplement that absorbs readily and home treatments with oral supplementation are reporting excellent results. I have a recipe on my website for homemade liposomal Vitamin C, which can be expensive to purchase as a supplement. This should not be used for infants or pregnant women.
- On the Facebook page for Purely Living Wellness we have shared our favorite brands of quality Vitamin C. Contact us for additional brands we recommend, or visit our Facebook page where we have been sharing our strategies since this outbreak began.
- Supplements: Quercetin is a powerful flavonoid and anti oxidant, supporting the lungs and respiratory system. Recent research out of Montreal expounds on this discovery. The article states 500 mg twice a day. Quercetin has long been used as an anti-inflammatory. Foods rich in the flavonoid include apples, green tea, onions, raw cocoa and certain berries. Ginkgo Biloba also contains quercetin. You may consider additional anti-oxidant rich supplements such as zinc, and selenium.
- Zinc lozenges are excellent, especially for those on the front-lines. You want to do your best to get the dissolving liquid from the zinc lozenge to the back of the throat.
- Herbals are rich in anti-oxidants, non-toxic, and have anti-viral effect.. Echinacea root, Osha root, Skullcap, kudzu, usnea (lichen), Holy basil, Olive leaf, Japanese knotweed, rhodiola, astragalus, ginger, elder or aronia berry tinctures, Turkey tail, cordyceps, and rieshi mushrooms (or here in the Midwest – Chaga mushroom) are good choices. For those who may have contracted COVID-19, in addition, there are herbs that benefit the respiratory system, such as astragalus, mullein, golden seal, pulmonaria tea, boneset or comfrey. A favorite herbal tincture that we keep on hand in our home is Secret Garden of Health and Healing AV Complete (or anti-viral) formula.
- If one has congestion in the chest and can obtain dried leaves of comfrey for tea, one can make a poultice to place on the chest, with a warm towel placed over the top. Old fashioned hot water bottles are good to have on hand for this as well. Heating pads are not recommended because they do emit EMFs.
- Propolis, a popular remedy from bee resin, should be avoided as it can increase interferon-gamma which one does not want to do with COVID-19.
- Collodial Silver in a nebulizer, or as a mouth gargle, can be effective, especially if one has symptoms. Collodial silver should be purchased from a reputable manufacturer. My family keeps a brand called Sovereign Silver.
- Iodine - this article talks about the research of a nasal rinse of iodine provided by a health professional to be effective in wiping out the covid virus effectively. This is not the first time I have read about the benefits of iodine. If you do not mind an orange mustache under your nose, painting the orange liquid under your nose before going out not only is an anti-viral step, it reduces the risk of bacterial infections. As the masks mandates continue, there has been a 50% increase in respiratory bacterial pneumonia. Think about that...
- Diffusing essential oils such as tea tree oil (which inhibits bacterial growth) or an essential oil blend in bedrooms at night is a great idea. Peppermint aids in breathing. If congested a good practice is to apply eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, or oregano oil, as examples, to the bottom of one’s feet before bed. Trigger points for the frontal sinus are on the bottom tips of the toes, and the trigger point for the lungs is just behind the balls of the feet. Always blend with a lotion or carrier oil – do not apply direct from the bottle.
- Steam – boiling a pot of water on the stove, adding eucalyptus leaves, or essential oil listed above, to the water. Once the pot is steaming place safely on a surface, and carefully breathe in the steam with a towel over your head and the pot. Be careful not to burn yourself. This age-old treatment is still effective today!
- Using a cool mist humidifier – especially in cold climates. Filled with filtered water (never use tap water with chlorine and fluoride in your humidifier) and half 3% hydrogen peroxide.
- Disinfecting: Soap and water DO WORK. The COVID-19 virus contains a protective protein – according to chemist Richard Sachleben, soap and water do break down the protein and cause the virus to fall apart.
- Diluted chlorine bleach is effective but is corrosive and can damage surfaces, and can be harmful to pets.
- Hydrogen peroxide is less caustic, but can still discolor fabric. It decomposes into water and oxygen, which makes it safe for pets
- Distilled spirits and white vinegar do not work. Although some distilleries have stepped up to the demand for hand sanitizer and are making disinfecting strength vodka.
- Hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol – it is KEY to allow these products to evaporate. If you do not, the virus can gain super bug strength.
- Increasing your immune system – again, diet plays a large role. Those with compromised immune systems may want to supplement. Currently the government is looking into making a drug to increase NK Killer cell activity. Purely Living Wellness offers a supplement that studies prove, increase immunity – and it is non-toxic. (All medications contain toxins, and toxins/free radicals deplete oxygen in the body.) However, if you eat right, sleep well, get fresh air and move around to get oxygen flowing, most people will come through this crisis without notice other than the emotions of what is going on around them. Frequency and energy work also help to boost the immune system, and can provide information as to one’s immune system. Purely Living Wellness can provide bio-resonance scans remotely using DNA from hair and nails.
- September 2020 update - for your health - get outside and exercise and do not wear a mask if you are running, bicycling, or any type of exerting exercise. You compromise your body by hindering oxygen flow. Do your best to run, and bike away from others if you feel you must wear a mask if others are in close vicinity. Because of the sunshine, outdoor air - you run a greater risk if you remain cooped up in your home without exercise and fresh air.
- Avoiding 5G as several scientists believe have published articles that the radiation depletes oxygen in water. The human body is 60% water. Switzerland, Netherlands, Russia and other European countries and some areas of the U.S. have banned 5G due to health concerns. Studies are very much needed to determine the health risks of this technology. It took years before the links to breast cancer and young women placing their cell phones in bras was made by scientists. As a precautionary, place your phones on airplane mode and check them at certain times of the day. DO NOT sleep with your phones next to you at night – and if you must, set on airplane mode. Wi-fi disrupts your sleep pattern, which is an entirely different topic for which you may read the Purely Living Wellness article on improving sleep.
- Shut off the news!! It is fostering panic. Play board games, classical music. Meditate. Read scripture or a positive book. Sit with palms facing upward and release the sound “ohm” several times - it will raise the vibration in your body!
If your immune system is compromised you are more vulnerable to COVID-19 according to the CDC. Work from home if possible. In this situation though, the cause is the vulnerability more so than the virus. The virus can just take advantage of you. Don't let that happen whether it's corona, flu, bacteria, etc.. Change your habits and be proactive and please stop falling for the fear and paranoia being broadcasted as it will affect your health. Sadly, we seem to focus and obsess way more on disease than health. Purely Living Wellness provides bio-resonance scans that help one become proactive, recognize what is causing imbalance to the immune system and direct one in changes they should consider to restore balance to the body. We also carry a number of tinctures and extracts to promote natural health. Most of all, have faith in your body and thank it for being healthy every day!
Inspired during meditation and thought, Purely Living Wellness has created an energetic rebalancing formula appropriately called, Overcome. It harnesses the power of frequencies to counter today’s concerns, including scriptural references for overcoming fear, anxiety and panic during these times.
What about the Frontline docs? Well, I can personally vouch that I know people who overcame this virus pretty quickly using the HCQ with zinc protocol described by the line up of seven in white coats a few months back. The trouble is, CDC ordered it pulled from all OTC shelves and even if your doctor does prescribe it - he/she will receive a phone call from the pharmacist. Have your doctor stand firm and protect your privacy rights. Update 12-2020 - The Frontline doctors, as I understand have created their own website and are doing tele-consults. They can get HCQ into your hands - which Dr. Simone Gold recommends having on hand before you need it.
Personally, I will treat myself, should I ever contract this nasty form of corona virus, with my own arsenal already on and and most of which is mentioned in this article. That said, I am beyond confident in my immune system and will not live my life in fear of a bug that has a reported rate of fatality that is .001 more deadly than previous influenza seasons.
Originally Published March 19, 2020, edited March 25, 20202. Rita Shimniok, Purely Living Wellness LLC. All rights reserved. May be redistributed with permission.; 608-669-7603; Information on COVID-19 is changing daily as more is being learned. This article is provided for educational purposes only.
Purely Living Wellness/Rita Shimniok make no claim to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Please see your trusted physician for medical concerns.