What I am learning daily, with almost all of my clients who utilize my bio-resonance scanning services, is the emotional ties that prevent the body from healing.The First Aid for Cancer Patients article is insightful to make mention of this. We all have trapped cellular memories…some can even be passed down from previous generations. The work of Dr. Bradley Nelson alludes to this in his Emotional Freedom Technique. Nick Ortner also teaches how to release trapped cell memories in his work. Both have books and You Tube videos you can easily find.
Currently, I am reading The Sacred Science by Nick Pollizi – and again, emotions play a role – we can truly hinder our healing if we are not true to our self. The book discusses the ancient work of the shamans and their work in healing the chronically ill with rainforest herbs, emotional release, and a very healthy “jungle food” diet, which is primarily comprised of quinoa, vegetables and fruit.
The First Aid article talks about DEHYDRATION. I have been taking a class with a doctor, bio-chemist, in the U.K. who is extremely skilled at maximizing the benefits of bio-resonance for his patients. I learned just this past week that we are not absorbing water with a molecular structure that is above the 7-11 range. As an illustration – the molecular structure of tap water is 200-250. Distilled water has a molecular structure of 5 – which is why, if you are severely hydrated, distilled water may be your best bet. The beauty of bio-resonance is that I can imprint a terminated quartz crystal with the frequencies for double-helix water, and the imprinted quartz when dropped into your filtered water (cannot be distilled) will change the molecular structure to be bio-absorbable by the body. If you are interested in this service please contact me.
Regarding mention of any medications in the article – I HIGHLY recommend you ask for full disclosure from your pharmacist – aka ALL pages with ALL the warnings that come with a medication, as they typically only give you page one. Then I encourage you to read it thoroughly and highlight side effects, so when and if they happen, you have a comprehension as to what may be the root cause….i.e. the medication. I know we were totally caught of guard, not knowing that opioids prescribed for pain, have a common side effect of collapsed lung, which is what my husband has listed on his death certificate as cause of death.
In the Light of Love and Peace,