I have learned much through the years, and what I learned in 2010 was reaffirmed in 2014 and 2015 while my husband was on his journey with late stage aggressive cancer. I was very grateful to have already learned about safe products when we started the journey, because my family was already practicing the use of clean skin care products and clean protein powder.
Clean? Does that sound like food? Let me explain... Our cells are programmed for apoptosis...they die off after a certain time, this is how we stay healthy. But when our bodies become out of balance by hormones, foods, products and environment ...the body does not function as ought and chaos comes into being when cells are bombarded with free radicals and/or right spin molecules.
To keep this simple let me provide you with some bullet points to help you choose your New Year's resolution tools/products wisely...according to the many experts and alternative oncologists that are CURING cancer (of which diet is crucial). The doctors and cancer coaches of whom I have had the privilege of learning from have been speakers at the Cancer Answers Global Summit and the Truth About Cancer conferences, as well as being a part of the Masters group at Integrative Healthy Mastery. Processed, canned and boxed foods are seldom "clean" - scrutinize ingredients and HOW the products are made carefully.
- Gluten, dairy, soy and sugar are NOT your friend (this includes casein) - these foods are inflammatory for almost everyone (inflammation is the silent killer)
- Artificial ingredients have a right spin molecule, this fuels disease in the body (sucralose, Stevia in the form of Reb A, artificial flavors, artificial dyes)
- Caffeine causes carb cravings, and alcohol sugars ...(long list)
Focus on:
- Whole foods, fresh produce, made from scratch soups (no, "cream of ____" soup is not a healthy ingredient!
- If using protein powders for convenience meals (and it has to be do-able or we don't stick with it, right?) look for cold processed to maintain integrity of the whole foods without those bulleted ingredients above (btw, raw can sugar has a left spin - in very small amounts it is ok)
- For sweeteners use RAW honey and maple syrup, or organic black strap molasses
- Juicing or smoothies breaks down vegetables and fruits to allow the body to absorb more quickly - a good practice in any healthy living lifestyle
- A toxic body can't lose fat and keep it off...have you detoxed, cleansed your colon? (It's critical to clear out the pipes at the end of the garbage can before dumping toxic fat cells)
- GET SLEEP - the body heals while sleeping (7-8 hours) - before midnight heals most
- Moderate exercise on a regular basis is effective. Be aware that high end cardio or boot camps can cause more long term damage than good. BURST-A-CIZE (look that one up - Dr.Joe Mercola talks about this as does a well known center in California) is what many health experts consider the best excercise for long term health.
There are more tips I could offer you, speaking from personal experiences. Join me Saturday, Jan. 2 for my workshop on healthy living in to the new year!
May you look great, feel great, and live great!
Rita S.