Apples are a great source of pectin, a chemical that helps the body cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. Pectin is a key fiber in promoting colon health. It also aids in cleansing your arteries. Apples also help the body naturally produce glutathione, a powerful anti-oxidant that aids the liver in ridding itself of toxins.
Per Dr. Robert DeMaria in Day 1 of the "Fatty Liver Disease Summit" - he recommends eating one half of a red apple a day to aid in restoring liver health. (Did you know the liver can regenerate and you can grow a healthy liver if your current liver is diseased?)
One half of a red apple contains 22 grams of carbs - share the other half or save for the next day. Eat fruit on an empty stomach.
Now, what about that green apple? Granny Smith apples tend to stagnate digestion, they’re sour. So the next time you are picking up ORGANIC apples, choose a red variety vs. a green.
Be well,
Rita S.