I received an email from Shree of Home Remedies for Life and am honored to be included on her list of Top 25 Health Bloggers. Shree highlights my own journey back to health, but of course, personally I am most proud of all the research I have done well beyond 2010 and turning my own health around, as I focus on helping others in their cancer journey and most importantly, educating on cancer prevention!
If you would like to see us listed and leave a comment feel free to visit the article here, and take note of all the amazing women dedicated to healthy living!
Fellow blogger Jesse Miller has offered insight as the benefits of one of my favorite root vegetables - BEETS! It includes 15 health benefits of beets and 8 delicious recipes. Jesse found my roasted beets recipe, here, and as well - I have a variety of smoothie recipes that use beets.
Jenny contacted me from Best Mattress Reviews after seeing the effort I put into educating and providing healthful information for cancer patients. The research her company provides goes hand in hand with some of my work. Her team has been researching how people sleep, and have collected some great information for cancer patients and caretakers. You can read their full guide on the bestmattressreviews site.
Here are a few of their findings:
Sleep disorders vary among different patient populations: The rates of sleep disorders reported by cancer patients vary based on the type of cancer they are being treated for and the type of treatment they are receiving. Some patient populations experience a 75% chance of sleep disturbances, while others experience rates as low as 25%.
Sleep problems can continue after treatment ends: Approximately 25% of cancer survivors continue to report sleep disturbances or daytime fatigue. This is due in part to the long-term effects of some treatments on the body; it can also be a lingering effect of experiencing the trauma of a life-threatening illness. Fortunately, both physical and mental causes of sleep disturbances are treatable, and patients have many options available for returning to a healthy sleep cycle.
Of course I am an advocate of encouraging people to consider sleep as vital in their health recovery program. Chemical foam mattresses are some of the worst cess pools of toxins one can lie down in, or place your head upon. If you have electric mattress pads...they serve as conductors for all the EMFs you have going on in your home (wi fi, cell phones, Smart Meters, etc.) - it is like sleeping on one large antenna! I love my organic latex mattress from Satara Mattress in Middleton, WI and also choose to sleep on a BioMat at lowest temp setting during cold WIsconsin nights. I also have a SafeConnect protective shield on my cell phone, as on the rare occasion where I do need an alarm to get up unusually early, I am at least not swimming in harmful energies from my phone.
Again, I am honored to be recognized in the Top 25 Health Bloggers by Home Remedies for Life. Be sure to explore their site - they have much great information to offer.
Be well and reduce your stress this holiday season!
Rita S.