On Saturday evening, after the summit, I had a surprise visit from Doc Mike Witort. He was in the area treating patients, and paid a visit to give me a wonderful reflexology session and ozone (transdermal oxygen) treatment. I love that every session with Mike is continuing education on cures for cancer, fibromyalgia, and more.
On Sunday, as practitioners we decided we would provide sessions to one another, to experience what the other offered - this allows us to refer clients to those that can most help our clients experience whole wellness. This was my day for personal healing sessions. I knew that my busy-ness helps me not to dwell, but to stay on purpose with the Mission. But my body does need to heal and I need to take care of me...my wellness friends were able to help me heal in my grieving process.
This morning in Jesse;s Oasis I am sharing the vision for the Oasis and Purely Living Wellness with my daughter, Abby. As she shared about the hummingbird that had buzzed right past her, I told her about all the "kisses from heaven" that I have seen in the Oasis. I expanded upon my vision to share this healing space with other grieving caregivers, and those with disease who are anxious, or hearts are heavy burdened. Out of the corner of our eyes we see a little flutter of green leaf - but it is a LUNA MOTH! I have not seen one in years.
Luna moths hatch with a life purpose of finding a mate and reproducing. I realize it is a message from my life mate, soul mate - Jesse. He is so happy and smiling down on me, grateful for all I had done during his illness. My session with my intuitive friend, Nancy, brough me wonderful messages of love from him. I was really missing him yesterday, and as God would have it -not once, but TWICE I heard his favorite song, "Our Great God" by Fernando Ortega. I will never hear that song again without remembering my love's passage into the heavenly realm - he was seeing "our great God" face to face- HALLELUJAH!!
It was the song that transitioned hm from this earth into the heavenly realm as it played in his hospital room. God is good. He has such purpose and plans for me, and I love to sit in the Oasis and meditate to hear His direction for my life.
It is my prayer that many will be able experience "kisses from heaven" in Jesse's Oasis, as we continue to create a space where those whom God puts in our path, will be able to experience the healing energy of this special place.
May you be well - in body and Spirit,