When you pray, do you expect God to respond, or do you speak to Him, doubtful He even hears you? When you face the day, do you face it with a "gloom and doom" attitude, or do you EXPECT that God is working on your behalf - whether it be in your personal life, family life or business?
Job 22:28 reads, "You will decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways."
Never forget the Holy Spirit dwells within all believers and each of us has the ability through the Power of Christ to do wondrous things. What holds us back? For me personally, it is that lack of a powerful connection to my Creator. Yes, I have pretty good discernment on a number of issues relating to health, wisdom that embeds into my hard drive once I learn something I am passionate about. But I lack the discipline of finding an hour of quiet without distraction daily, a time to meditate and be quiet...not lifting up my prayer requests, but listening for Ruach, the Holy Spirit, and open to receiving God's personal message for me. Divine communication exists for those who put this into practice...and I do question why God has wired me more as a Martha than a Mary!
Sure, in the past I have had several encounters which is why I am doing what I do today to help others receive answers regarding their health concerns, and supporting their bodies towards healing as they are designed by God to do.
I am certainly becoming more bold in my statements of authority in Christ when I see a need for a spiritual deliverance in Purely Living PMA members, for I know through scripture that the physical body is connected to the soul. Does it work, when I release a dark angel attachment from someone on the other side of the county, or out of state? I expect YES, because I command it in the name of Yeshua to be bound, leave that person and go to the feet of He who is to judge.
I am a work in progress. It has taken me a long time to EXPECT to be blessed, especially with the trials that have been a part of my life. But I know that God wishes to bless me abundantly with a gift that serves humanity. He has, He does and He will continue to do so...far more than I could ever fathom. As I am expecting, I am certain that I will give birth to unrealized gifts in my future.
When you pray or communicate with your Creator God - are you expecting that He will? Visualize that portal within you, receive the active stirring of the Holy Spirit, and be blessed so that you may be a blessing to others!
Rita Shimniok, High Vibration Life Ministerial Association/ PMA