In fact, if you want to find truth on the internet you typically need to advance through multiple pages in a search, if you are using Google. Even with the Brave search engine you have to go beyond the first several pages of hits to actually find reality.
On the 4th page I found an actual article of truth - linked below.
Let's take Centrum Silver as an example...
First, I want to point out that few need a calcium supplement, and calcium supplements are some of the least absorbed supplements known to mankind. Civil engineers report finding large numbers of completely undigested calcium supplements when they descend beyond the manhole to the under-works of a city’s treatment plant. If you want strong bones – eat steamed broccoli! If you are concerned about brittle bones - you may have a hormone deficiency of progesterone, or perhaps you are in need of boron and copper.
BHT, as another example, is a chemical used as an anti-oxidant in processed foods. In some mouse and rat studies, BHT appeared to trigger cancer in the fore-stomach, an organ that humans don’t have. Although humans may not have this organ, we do have organs susceptible to cancer. The FDA approves the use of BHT stating that not enough of this preservative is in processed food to cause harm, however, these studies never address the ACCUMULATION of chemicals in our bodies.
In 2015 General Mills ceased the addition of BHT in their breakfast cereals due to consumer pressure.
Chemicals are foreign substances – they create chaos as the body does not recognize the molecular structure and therefore, they are not properly dealt with. These chemical cess pools from our processed foods and chemically derived supplements continue to add up in the body. They are inexpensive to use in manufacturing, and offer a more stable shelf life than a whole food supplement would have.
Most mass-market vitamins use what called cyanocobalamin as a form of B12. Most consumers do not realize that cyanocobalamin, which is very cheap, is found in a wide array of vitamins and processed foods as a synthetic additive. It is made via total chemical synthesis. One source states it is made from coal tar, while another reports it is derived from mammalian tissue, or recovered from activated sewage sludge! Can it get any grosser than that?!
If you are in need of Vitamin B – methylcobalamin is a natural form of B12 that is more readily absorbed.
The energy drink known as Celsius Energy, if you read the label, may come across as “healthy”. After all, you can see the words guarana seed extract, green tea, and ginger – sounds healthy, right? However, it contains four times the amount of cyanide beyond what is considered “safe”, and one of the reasons so many young people will collapse after drinking several to stay awake on road trips for spring break.
Ascorbic acid depletes essential copper, of which chelated copper bisglycinate is the preferred form for absorption.
Folic acid is not the same as folate, the latter of which is an essential mineral, especially for women who are pregnant. Folic acid, on the other hand, is toxic to the unborn fetus. The same is true for selenium, of which the chemical form is selenite.
Synthetic vitamins, in my opinion, are doing great harm to a majority of an unaware population. What is your body really asking for? What are your true vitamin and mineral deficiencies?
If you would like to learn more about that, consider a Qest4 scan.
If taking a multivitamin is something you feel strongly about, please take a whole food sourced multi. Azure Wellness makes a wonderful Whole Food Multi-Vitamin that I am confident in endorsing. You can even save 10% using coupon code PurelyLiving10.
May you be empowered through knowledge,
Rita S.