This past week I listened to a book titled, "Awareness", by Anthony DeMello - which I have shaed under the tab "Mind & Spirit" if you wish to check it out. Many of you, my friends, know that I have been dating again. I meet wonderful people in doing so, and I feel each crosses my path for a reason - and I always learn from each. Hopefully, they learn from myself as well.
Last week I met someone who introduced me to the writings of Anthony DeMello. Not only was the book profound and provoked deep thought, it reaffirmed and offered revelation. As he had promised - a paradigm shift. For anyone who is living in this world with a void of joy - I really encourge you to read the book, or listen to the free audio. If you are dating - I highly recommend it. It is so important to realize that happiness does not come from being with others, it comes from within. The Spirit indwelling is communion with our God.
May you become awake and aware,
Rita S.