Whom do you know with arthritic pain and stiff joints in their hands? Or how about Renaud's disease - my son has this and his fingers turn an ugly shade of reddish purple when the weather gets cold. Do you know people who do a lot of repetitive motion in their work, resulting in carpal tunnel pain? Hand massage is a great therapy for those suffering from poor circulation in their hands. What if you could have a daily hand massage from the comfort of your home?
The LifePro Legra Hand Massager is very quiet, and different from other massagers - you can visit their website to get more details. It is currently available for only $60, and free shipping for a limtied time! After today the price will likely be 74.99, still on sale and a good price.
LifePro states: GET RID of finger numbness, joint soreness. RELIEVE the pain from arthritis or carpal tunnel. RELAX your hands after a long day of working - can you imagine the "ahhhh" experience of a deserving massage therapist?
LifePro has designed the MOST EFFICIENT finger & palm massager with heat for your needs. No matter if you do manual work, play an instrument, type at work or play sports, you WILL FEEL its WONDERS on your tired hands and ENJOY a relaxing mood with this handheld massager. It not only massages the hand and provides heat - it has multiple settings so you can customize your treatment.
If you are looking for a holiday gift that keeps on giving - consider the Legra hand massager - which is currently on special for 20% of for only $74.99, and if you follow my link today it will show up at a price point of only $60 in your cart.
As a new product release these will sell fast - I am definitely buying one for my friend, a painting contractor, who has suffered from carpal tunnel for a very long time. My son, who never looks forward to the Renaud's aspect of winter, already purchased his - he is going to relish the relief after shoveling snow!
Warm hands, warm heart! Make winter your wonderland!
Rita S.