If you feel bloated directly after a meal it is an indicator you need digestive enzymes, but if you find yourself feeling bloated an hour or two after a meal, it is a signal that your liver/gallbladder is in distress.
So why the image of what many consider a weed? Read on! I was thrilled to discover Curly Dock growing on my property years ago and am happy to report it has propagated. Although burdock root, dandelion root, stinging nettles and more made up my very first batch of Filtering Organ tincture, the addition of Curly Dock the following year made the new and improved Filtering Organ Plus tincture score consistently well for my clients with imbalanced liver signatures during their Qest4 Bio-Energetics scan.
As I was reviewing notes from the Liver Regeneration Summit from several years back, I came across a couple of statements by renowned experts in the field of liver health. Dr. Burt Berkson stated there are three anti-oxidants to support and help regenerate the liver: Alpha Lipoic Acid – IV (20 milligrams) – which has to have Complex B; Selenium; and Silymarin – or Milk Thistle. Berkson’s patients have done so well that a greater percentage were able to avoid transplants. Like the majority of organs in the human body, given the proper support and nutrition, they will regenerate – replacing damaged cells.
Dr. Robert DeMaria asks, "Did you know that spider veins, varicose veins, hemorrhoids (as well as red or brown spots,or jaundice), and heart issues are all a sign of a compromised and congested liver?" How many of you can put a check mark by at least one of these symptoms or signals?
Purely Living recommends not only looking into the supplements that Dr. Berkson recommends, but also to consider herbs known to help detoxify the liver. Milk thistle, one of the herbs mentioned by Berkson, contains Silymarin which helps repair damaged liver cells. If you choose one supplement for liver support – I cannot stress enough the benefits of Milk Thistle for a non-functioning liver.
Purely Living offers a complex herbal extract support for the liver and gallbladder prepared by our favorite herbalists. It is to be taken several times a day for liver and gallbladder support. An extract is not the same as a tincture.
You might also consider teas or tinctures made with herbs such as stinging nettles; chicory root, seeds or leaves; dandelion root, or one of my favorites – curly dock root. Curly dock is especially beneficial for promoting bile production and stimulating movement, as well as purification of present toxins. Although the root should be harvested in the fall for the strongest plant medicine, the leaves and seeds have medicinal properties as well. Fortunately, using the DNA of hair and/or nails - I can use Qest4 Bio-Energetic testing to determine which liver support product their body is asking for.
Happily, I recently learned that the bark from Western Burning Bush, of which several were given to me by an uncle years ago, have medicinal properties, in that the bark is used to stimulate bile. Consuming digestive bitters, even radishes, before a meal, can help stimulate bile production.
In case you haven’t made the connection – a healthy liver is all about bile production and stimulating the process to eradicate a stagnant liver. Alcohol promotes a stagnant liver, which is just one reason that eating fruit as an appetizer is the wise wellness way to enjoy the bounty of summer fruit harvests. So the next time you are at a cookout, or hosting one, ask for the watermelon first...and perhaps share this bit of knowledge so that others follow suit. If you think about it, it makes complete sense that stomach acid can break down watermelon much faster than a steak!
Enjoy your summer,
Rita S.