I came across the blog of Steve Weber, a Forest Gump impersonator who shares messages of gumption...
In sharing his thoughts on the Twain quote, Steve writes about the importance of letting go of your past. I agree…as I can see clearly how emotions have an effect on our health as I provide bio-resonance scans for my clients, and emotions frequently come into play. Failure to address emotions creates an energetic imbalance in the body.
FORGIVENESS is imperative for one's health - not for the one that needs to be forgiven, but for the darkness of hate to transform into light. Hate, hard feelings, hurt feelings…all build up in our cells and promote dis-ease. Those with heart related symptoms often harbor negative emotions of past relationships that caused ill-feelings.
KISS SLOWLY - ummm, yeah!!! What a great way to release oxytocin - but hey, if you don’t have a partner, big hugs can do that, too!!! Hug your family and friends. Or your dog, your cat (well, maybe not the cat….unless it is declawed). Release oxytocin daily!
LOVE TRULY - be completely present with those you love when you are with them. Don’t spend time constantly on the cell phone, or wishing you were elsewhere. Make eye contact.
I would also like to suggest that to love truly is to be true to YOURSELF first. One must love themselves before you can truly love others.
In looking for images of the Twain quote, I also came across the writings of another blogger named Silvia who has experienced great loss in her life. She, in my opinion, offers very, very sound advice for which to live a life without regrets. You can find her wise words at silviaskingdom.com Divorced - READ her message please. When parents pit their children against an ex in a relationship gone bad - negative energies are not only affecting the adults, but the children as well...and this can be passed down to future generations.
If you are on a journey to seek great health - remember to Forgive, Kiss Slowly, and Love Truly - because life most definitely is too short to have regrets.
Rita S.