Friends and family continue to check in, and several have really stepped up to help with projects around the house and property. I am SO grateful for God’s servant-hearted people.
This year has been a whirlwind as I seek and learn…divine guidance has put me on this path towards helping others as a now certified bio resonance technician. The people God has put in my path as I attend clinical training and conferences has not been by chance. I have had many revelations this year, and I know that I would not be on this path if my husband had lived. My continued work is truly he and I working together for the good of others. The Qest4 is a part of his legacy. We did not learn of this technology early enough to be able to help him have victory over his symptoms, but I also believe it was not the path God chose for Jesse. I know in my heart the investment in the equipment would not have been possible without Jesse’s life insurance. Our circumstances, our lessons learned, our grief in loss…was not for naught, but for the benefit of others. Those God is guiding towards me.
Although I thought my primary focus of my business would be to help those with cancer, God is sending me people with all types of symptoms, who want to learn more about their root case, or want to actually feel better when they have been poked, prodded and medicated to no avail. I pray that the Lord continue’s to guide me on this journey, and am thankful for each person He allows me to help on His behalf. I am only the vessel in which the power of the Spirit is present – and I could not do this work without God in my life.
I am thankful for the sacrifice of Jesus, and thankful for my husband’s sacrifice of self so that I may help others. Thank you for finding Purely Living Wellness, and may your Thanksgiving blessings abound in good health and love!