When Moses met the Lord "face to face" on the Mount of Horeb, he learned of the Lord's real name, "I AM WHO I AM". As you may recall, God had big plans for Moses. He was being asked to deliver the people of Israel from bondage. The people whose entire life, day to day, was this, "live, make bricks, die." Moses, whom had no Harvard degree, not a young warrior, but a frail man, and certainly Charlton Heston ...was being called to fulfill a divine purpose. Moses, an ordinary man - full of doubt and fear.
Fear and doubt...have you experienced it? I certainly have. People saw me as a strong woman, a warrior, when my husband was going through cancer. But I can assure you there was PLENTY of doubt and fear. Where were the miracles of today? The "divine special action" taking away the nightmare my family was catapulted in the midst of.
We did not have the miracle we were looking for, but I can assure you, God took that experience and turned this ordinary woman into someone extra-ordinary. God the Creator, the Healer, the Master of the Cosmos, was with me through that journey and continues to be so. And it is because of His presence, and my firm belief in purpose He has called me to, that I embrace each day with arms wide open. I have "seen" my burning bush...and although I had doubts as to my new path, it excites me to see God actively working in my life.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phil. 4:6
I will be honest and vulnerable with you, my readers... I have come to a point in my life where I am open to another life partner. I feel in my heart that I am not to continue this journey alone. I am meeting people, and will not waiver on what I seek, first and foremost, a man after God's own heart. One who is humble and obedient and lives to please God. As I go through my new life, in obedience to His calling and my new ministry, I cannot help but wonder if God has a partner for me to share in this journey. I realize that I must be careful not to let me own desires take place of God's desires.
As a wise woman advised, "Listen for the Holy Spirit to make it clear." Will I have a "burning bush moment"? God gave Moses a helper in his new mission...his own brother Aaron. I know that it will take a very special man to share the journey I have been placed upon. Not a perfect man, for there is no such thing, as I am not a perfect woman. I realize that this chapter of my life will require patience, and prayer.
Doubt...sure. But I must remember that God is more powerful than we can ever imagine. More powerful than doubt, more powerful than fear. I hope you can draw on that knowledge in your time of need. God is the I AM of my life and it is because of Him that I am. He is in control of my direction, and the people who will cross my path. As as long as He remains at the core of my being, and at the core of the man whom He has already predestined for this journey, our hearts can unite in His purpose.
So as you look in the mirror, whom do you see? Do you see doubt, or fear? Or do you see the very very extra-ordinary person that God has called you to be? Do you feel inadequate? That's okay....because God is with you always...He is as much your I AM as He is mine. May you recognize your burning bush, your defining moment...
In His peace,
Rita S.
10"For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; 11So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. 12"For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.…" Isaiah 55:10-12 New American Standard Bible