Recently I listened to a book on Amazon Audible recommended by one of my clients, titled "Imagine Heaven - Near Death Experiences, God's Promises, and the Exhilarating Future that Awaits You."
My husband passed away over three years ago - and after listening to this book on audio I wonder if he had a NDE, or near death experience. I heard him talking to Jesus, asking for more time early evening on a Sunday, and that was granted. I realized he was dying (stage 4 cancer battle, but died of collapsed lungs - likely the opioid side-effect) and called the ambulance. We were blessed with another 14 hours with him, or so. My husband had great peace when he died the following Monday. He knew where he was going, and over-hearing him talk to Jesus was a godsend, no doubt for my benefit.
My 15 yr old daughter has been on the fence about asking Christ into her heart since his death. She happened to be in the car with me when I was listening on a weekend trip over a week ago - she commented that she actually liked this book. (Although we both agree that the narration attempts at changing voices for women parts is a bit cheesey - thus 4 stars). Yesterday as we were doing an errand she commented to me that she would rather die (as she is no longer afraid of death, thanks to the book Imagine Heaven) than give a presentation in front of a large class. She has experienced anxiety attacks when having to get up in front the class to present over the past years.
I believe that God wants ALL of His children in heaven - He created everyone. I am not surprised that near death experiences by those of non-Christian religions are seeing the Light of Christ, and feeling the immense love of our Heavenly Father as they experience death. He is the Divine, the Creator of all. But each of us have an appointed time - to hear what these people do for the Kingdom when they return to their earthly bodies is inspiring. Even the atheist, for whom the demons came, and at last he listened to the voice and called out to Christ to save him, is indeed saved by Christ. Upon death, we are still given a CHOICE.
For those who are concerned for your loved ones who have not accepted Christ into their lives - I hope you find comfort in knowing that, even at their death, Jesus is there for them. I cannot imagine anyone choosing the darkness over the Light once they feel the complete joy and love that overtakes them as they depart from their earthly bodies, and make way to the heavenly realm.
The book is credible. Narration a bit corny. But for the very reason that my daughter no longer fears death - this book is worth every cent!
I encourage you to read it!
Rita S.