A water tip - use DISTILLED water as much as possible while detoxing. Avoid Reverse Osmosis water (bottled water, if possible) as it dehydrates rather than hydrates. Distilled water is a detox partner...it is like an engine pulling empty boxcars...the boxcars pick up nutrients at one satisfied cell and transports the nutrients to cells in need, likewise it picks up toxins and helps send them down the excretion pathways.
Fresh LEMONS are best - when drinking lemon water really do try to use fresh lemon from organic lemons. A tip for those purchasing lemons by the bag...squeeze the juice all lemons at once into a ice cube tray (silicone trays are so much easier to use than trays of old - I love mine from Pampered Chef). As you need lemon to add to your water, or to wash your produce, simply use a lemon cube, which will melt fairly quickly for use. Or take them out to thaw the night before. Lemons tend to mold quickly when purchasing in bulk and the mold that grows on lemon is very toxic - do NOT inhale! If you are using essential oil be certain of the purity of the brand, and caution must be used. Oil and water do NOT mix! So if you are using lemon essential oil vs fresh lemon you must remember to shake your water bottle before each sip. Also be certain to use a glass or stainless steel water bottle as essential oils will pit the plastic. David Wolfe (best selling author and holistic health guru) has a very good article on the use of essential oils taken internally.
No PX90!! NoCrossFit. No hour long cardio of anything! Detoxification is a lot of extra, but necessary, work for your body. We need to detox for longevity. Detoxifcation will use up many energy sources within your cellular structures...give it what it needs. Plenty of hydration and plenty of REST. Walking and gentle movement is the most one should do while detoxing.
A sauna, or even better, a session on the Richway Amethyst BioMat is a great partner to a detox program. The BioMat will increase circulation (needed to transport those toxins out), promote excretion of fluids and waste, rebalance hormones and boost the immune system - which is one of the perks we are trying to acomplish with the 10 Day GreenTox.
Get PLENTY of sleep - really strive for 8 hours during a detox. Your body heals the most between 10 pm and 2 pm - so for every hour later you retire for the night, the less healing time your body has to revive and thrive.