It's time to repeat this yet again...
Monzo had mentioned a book by Morley Robbins, a former hospital administrator, who began in-depth nutritional research when doctors could not make him well after a terrible accident. I finally ordered the book, "Cu-re Your Fatigue" by Robbins and I have written about it, spoken about it, posted on social media numerous times since reading the book early in 2023. The book turned upside down much of what I thought was truth about holistic healing through nutrition.
I threw out the Vitamin D supplement and started taking Cod Liver Oil as a whole food source of perfectly balanced most essential Retinol A, Vitamin (really a hormone) D3, and K2. I started taking Core Copper as well - the most bio-available form of copper supplement that I am aware of available - Cu0.
Members of the High Vibration Life PMA received a very long article by yours truly - summarizing what I learned in both Robbins book and from Dr. Monzo. I immediately changed nutritional recommendations to those that see for Qest4 scanning, and I edited my testing parameters to remove synthetic Vit. D and other synthetics from my system.
Robbins founded the Root Cause Protocol and I joined the Facebook group he or one of his employees, started on this topic. From a recent post from that is time to reiterate why I feel so strongly that everyone needs to stop taking D3 in supplement form... There are plenty or resources that were made available in their post so you can learn for yourself. Please do yourself a favor, and become educated on truth vs. what we have been spoon fed as misinformation over the decades...
These are the top 5 reasons why hormone D is the biggest scam on planet Earth. (Yup - we said BIGGEST SCAM!)
Vitamin D (hormone D) should not be ingested like “candy!” Yes - we need some Vitamin D, but the way we suggest getting Vitamin D is different than what you typically hear. (Please see the Vitamin D FAQ to keep reading why!)
Root Cause Protocol Handbook (FREE!)
Webinar on stopping Vitamin D
Vitamin D - FAQ
Iron Toxicity Post #38: Why Vitamin D and iron is not a good idea!
Iron Toxicity Post #73: Why I detest hormone-D supplementation
#therootcauseprotocol #rootcauseprotocol #vitamind #VitaminD3 #vitamindeficiency #rcpstops #morleyrobbinsIt's
With your best interests in my heart,
Rita S.