On Monday two large robins alighted on the feeders outside my office bay window. My first sighting of the year. They surely told all their friends that I had a lovely spot for birds. For the next morning, on Wednesday I was awakened by bird song...and quite the magnifying chorus it was! Robins - at least fifty of them had migrated to my backyard! The hillside was literally moving...and I had to look twice to realize it was the robins digging through the leaves on the ground - foraging for food. Several robins were perched on the "bathing rock" - a favorite warm weather hangout for these red-orange breasted birds. I knew what they wanted, and was quick to oblige. I filled a jug of warm well water and poured it into the natural rock basin, and went back inside to watch. I found it interesting that while they were waiting for water the robins would share the rock - three or four perched at a time. But once the water was available and it was drinking and bath time - there was no unity! No sharing! Each had to take a turn. However, there was one very smart bird. He remained on the ground, sipping the water as it dripped down the side of the boulder. Every friend that landed in the water would make enough of a disturbance to send the water out the low-edged crevice of the natural basin. At least a half dozen robins took turns on top, while this one patiently, slowly (and quite peacefully I might add!), sipped the life-giving liquid.
Mid-week I spotted buckets out on a friend's maple tree in her yard, and pondered, however briefly, the thought of gathering from the two maples in my backyard. However, the time it takes to cook it down is a process, from my understanding, and I rarely use maple syrup. Now honey...bee-keeping is a contemplation as I have an abundance of honey bee loving plants and herbs that flower...I will ponder and entertain this for at least another year or so.
Yesterday, as I walked into the pole building I smiled at the young mullein rosette that managed through the winter. This will be the year this plant grows its flower spike, which I will collect buds to make a soothing oil for ear aches. This morning, however, that plant is covered in a blanket of freshly fallen snow. I should begin shoveling, but at the moment I am enjoying a hot mug of coffee, the wood stove is stoked, and I made a point to honor the time block on my calendar this morning to visit a blog friend's had shared with me. I was then inspired to sit down and writee my own blog post, for the signs of spring have been heartwarming this week.
It has been a week of learning from brilliant minds and another new book on the way for my latest research into the essential need of copper in the body. I am eager to explore further the herbs and foraged weeds that are rich in copper, but I can assure you it is one more reason to love basil!! I thought I was nearly finished with my article for the VIP members of the High Vibration Life Ministries PMA, but now that a book by Morley Robbins is enroute, I know there will be tidbits of wisdom to feed off of, and feed back into my article. I will declare that the world population would be so much more healthy if the balance of copper and iron were regulated in the body. But hey...it is Friday, the weekend is near and so is spring!
My "Welcome Winter" plaque came down yesterday...I am ready to turn the soil in the garden and welcome spring...despite the image below, which I awoke to this morning. My mug needs a hot refill...how about yours? Please take the time to notice the many signs of spring and the promise of new life that Yahweh promises we will have by His grace. It is all the small wonders of creation that can fill us up. If your cup seems to be half-empty allow the signs of spring to nourish your soul!
Rita S.