Especially in my area, a well known wellness store likes to promote Curamed - they blast it's benefits over the radio all the time. And typically, people pay much more for it there than in other stores in the area.
The point is...just because someone thinks a product would be good for your symptom does not mean that it is necessarily addressing the root cause. Muscle testing, learning how to, or learning how to dowse and ask your body if it would benefit from a product is a good practice to learn. It can save you lots of money. When others do it for you, you must ask yourself if have they cleared their own energy, so as not to affect the outcome of their testing.I prefer to hear the person doing the testing to speak their intention out loud. Even when testing myself I need to ask the Divine Creator to clear from my sub-conscious my own beliefs that I might give myself a false perception of my body's needs. The sub-conscious is powerful!
Energy always follows intent - so if one's intention is to have you walk out the door with a product because they believe it is the product for you - that thought process will affect their muscle testing.
This is why bio-resonance, using the Qest4 system is so brilliant. It removes practitioner bias and connects with an individual's innate intelligence to determine what it needs to bring the body back into balance. I have a number of clients who mail me a sample of single capsules or powders, along with an index card listing up to 10 products - and the session is simply to determine if a product is addressing their root cause issue. If so, the Qest4 then determines the dosage, which may be less than what the manufacturers directions may indicate. This reduces investing in supplements that are not going to serve the body or reduces dosage therefore your supplements last longer. My client may want to set a product that is not addressing causal factors aside - as there may be another time when the body is asking for it.
Now, you may ask what instigated this blog post? Well, an article was shared in the practitioner forum that brings up the study of curcumin contributing to iron deficiency in the body. Just because it is blasted all over in holistic wellness media resources as the answer to inflammation...not always, not for everyone.
This article by the National Library of Medicine inspired this writing: Iron deficiency possible when taking high dose curcumin.
There is a misunderstanding of the importance and why-fors of black pepper extract/piperine being combined with turmeric for absorption. Piperine increases capillary dilation in the gut, which inhibits the glucoronidation pathway in the liver, which is the pathway responsible for clearing the curcuminoids. When turmeric is taken at high levels the curcuminoids may be recognized as a toxin by the liver - piperine helps to prevent this biological reaction. If lab work were completed your serum level of curcumin (providing they test for this) is going to be higher when taken with piperine than without. Over time this can have a negative effect, particularly if medications are also in use that are metabolized through the glucoronidation pathway.
For certain, curcumin is a very good anti-inflammatory herb/spice. As said, I prefer to utilize turmeric spice in my smoothies and in my hot dishes, always with fresh ground black pepper and a healthy fat such as coconut, avocado or extra virgin olive oils. (Curcumin is not water soluable, but does dissolve in fat making it readily absorbed by the blood plasma.) Incorporating turmeric spice into your meals is always the best, and most enjoyable, way of consuming this healthy, God-provided healing food.
At times, when scanning a client, the food sensitivity may indicate the need to reduce turmeric spice. When this happens, it is because the client is self-dosing or taking more than what is directed by the manufacturer on the bottle. Too much, therefore one needs to cut back for a period.
I hope you find this information of value as I hope it will do. If you are wondering if you are making the right choice in supplementation, or the correct recommendations have been made for you, you may contact me to learn more about bio-resonance testing for your own supplements. The cost is $25 for 5 supplements and $35 for up to 10, which is the maximum that is recommended to be scanned in one day. Together we can learn what your innate intelligence, what your body is asking for, to regain balance.
Be well,
Rita S.
(If you wish to learn more about dowsing so that you can test yourself for supplements and amount needed visit my friend Mary Crawford at the Joy of Being Well.)